Fresh Start Housing of Washington

10924 Mukilteo Speedway
Mukilteo, WA - 98275
Phone Number: (425) 322-7017


Fresh Start strives to end the cycle of poverty, violence and addiction, by providing structured supportive housing programs.

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2018-08-10 12:57:04

Good morning I am inquiring about the transitional housing program in Mukilteo for my son, Michael who is currently in the Lynnwood City Jail. He will need transitional housing when he is released in mid- September. He is not a violent person but has had a history of drug abuse. He has been raised in a Christian home and has continued his faith. Michael is 20 years old. He would prefer to stay in the Lynnwood area farthest away from the Evrertt area. Please call me at 425-772-9803 or feel free to email me. Thank you, Peggy Knierim

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