Herring Halfway Houses of Dothan

101 North Herring Street
Dothan, AL - 36303
Phone Number: (334) 699-3175
Fax Number: (334) 699-3137


Step By Step Recovery offers a safe, supportive and drug-free environment for men in early sobriety who are not quite ready to live completely on their own.Dothan's Herring Houses offer women the same program.Their residential projects provide a sense of structure and community, as well as flexible personal freedom.They provide a safe, supportive, supervised and drug-free living environment for recovery.Both for men and women who strive to achieve sobriety, and for those who work to maintain an emotionally and spiritually balanced life, who require a structured environment as they return to their workplace and community. Step by step recovery and the herring houses for women is the positive place to be!

Services: Substance abuse treatment services, Substance abuse treatment, Halfway house, Residential long-term treatment (more than 30 days)

Insurances: Self payment

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2020-02-15 08:32:21

I'm seeking for help I just got out of dale county jail I'm a alcoholic.

2019-12-25 14:55:46

I am searching for an inpatient 30 day program. I have Medicare n Humana Choice insurance. Can u help me

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