Lutheran Social Services Of Northern California

1465 Civic Court
Concord, CA - 94520
Phone Number: (925) 825-1060
Fax Number: (925) 825-1061

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  • Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday closed
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LSS of NorthernCalifornia'smission is to promotestability and honor the dignity of those they serveby providing supportive housing services that lead to self-sufficiency.

Mission Statement: LSS of Northern California's mission is to promote stability and honor the dignity of those we serve by providing supportive housing services that lead to self-sufficiency. LSS envisions that our communities have hope, stability, and a path to self-sufficiency.

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2020-03-30 17:25:16

I am 26 years old and I am looking for a bed in a clean and sober living house. I am currently in a rehab but will be discharged tomorrow March 31. I have been calling all around but have not had much luck. Right now I do not have much funds since I have not been working. I do have a job with Bank of America and will be returning once released by my doctor

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