Parson's Place

624 E. Stewart Avenue
Las Vegas, NV - 89101
Phone Number: (702) 383-0847


Transitional housing for singles, couples with no children.

Mission Statement: NHSSN provides affordable housing, home ownership, education and neighborhood revitalization in targeted areas throughout Southern Nevada to low and moderate-income individuals and families.

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2019-03-15 18:40:42

information about going from a different state

2019-10-30 01:22:07

I am interested in transitional housing for myself. I am currently incarcerated for a non violent crime. I was originally jailed for substance abuse and did not follow up with my court issues and was found in contempt of court. I will be released in mid December. I would like to know what availability you may have and how much of a deposit Much be applied to hold a space for myself. Thank you

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