Oxford House Hilltop

108 Hilltop Court
Cherry Hill, NJ - 08003
Phone Number: 856-751-3837

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Oxford House Hilltop is a self-managed and self-sufficient recovery home for alcoholics and drug addicts.Oxford House Hilltop is a male facility.Oxford Houses is a concept of recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.A representative from each Chapter House meets with the other Houses monthly, to exchange information, seek resolution of problems in a particular House, and express that Chapter's vote on wide issues.Call to find out more about the cost and expenses of living at home.There are 9 beds in this self-sufficient and drug-free home.This self-sustaining, drug-free home is operated by Oxford House, a non-profit network based in Silver Spring.

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2019-03-18 20:22:16

I just recently got out of a 15 day stay at maryville in browns mills NJ I got out to find out that my house was taken from me and I did not have a job I'm just looking to stay clean and have a clear head to get back up on my feet and become the man I once was so if you all could help or point me in the right direction of a place that could help me it would be much appreciated I am a hard worker and am willing to give a 125% to anyone who can help me not relapse thank you and have a blessed day

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