Shelter Care Ministries

412 N Church St
Rockford, IL - 61103
Phone Number: (815) 964-5520
Fax Number: (815) 964-9812

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Since 1984 Shelter Care Ministries has provided temporary housing, counseling, and advocacy for the homeless population of Rockford, through 5 different programs.Their Emergency Housing Program serves homeless families that present to us with many complex issues such as addictions, mental illness, abusive relationships, insufficient or mismanaged income, and poor life skills. Their goals are to provide these families with housing for up to 6 months while developing weekly goals in employment, education, child services, and any other issue that prevent their consumers from transitioning to a more stable lifestyle.   Their Transitional Housing Program operates as an extension of the emergency program. Housing is provided for up to 2 years where families with long term needs can continue to work on goals they have set in the emergency program. The Jubilee Center Program offers a safe, secure, social environment 6 days a week for adults living with mental illness through a psycho-social pro-consumerism environment. Again, case management is utilized to provide linkage and advocacy to needed services such as employment, housing, mental health, and substance abuse. Mothers and Youth Attaining Stability House is a daytime drop-in center for homeless families, providing daycare, education, and food for the children while the parents can attend classes, job interviews, etc.  Their final program is their Saturday soup kitchen where they offer meals to those in need. All of these programs except for the soup kitchen are the only ones in existence in the Rockford area, supporting a population of 150,000.

Mission Statement: It is the mission of Shelter Care Ministries to provide shelter, awaken hope and honor dignity in every person who seeks comfort, support or assistance through our programs. Our focus is on individuals with a chronic mental illness and families that are homeless in the Winnebago/Boone county area. We live out our mission through our direct service programs, volunteer efforts and community education. When possible, we participate in lobbying for resources for our members and residents, legislate for laws to protect marginalized people and inform policies that affect funding and regulations for programs serving very poor people.

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