Samaritan Women at the Well

3206 13th Avenue North
Texas City, TX - 77590
Phone Number: (409) 948-2288

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Samaritan Women at the Well  Transitional Housing provides men, women, and children in crisis with the keys to get beyond their circumstances and into a life of victory. Samaritan Women At The Well is Texas Citys only facility offering long-term transitional housing. All other shelters in the area offer 90 days or less of housing services whereas SWATW offers up to one year. The ability to stay a longer time significantly increases the chance for rehabilitation, life skills development, self-sufficiency, spiritual growth and ultimately reduced recidivism.  Determined by follow-up tracking, the current recidivism rate for Texas Department of Criminal Justice referred clients is 1%. The SWATW program, when fully engaged by the residents which generally occurs because of the program being in a real home environment and the length of time a client may reside in the home, is quite successful in building and empowering self-sufficient, confident men, women and children.

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