The Lighthouse Crew of Ft Lauderdale

412,417,420,423 SW 12th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL - 33315
Phone Number: (954) 522-5003
Fax Number: (954) 665-2885


The residents of the Lighthouse Crew are welcomed into a clean and sober community for men.Their primary focus is helping each other to achieve their goals in recovery.The Lighthouse Crew is a safe, structured and supportive lifestyle for men who are interested in changing their lifestyle and contributing to the community in a productive way.The residents of the Lighthouse Crew are involved in 12-step recovery groups, are active in the community, and are usually employed nearby.Their people work to achieve their goals, live one day at a time and grow together in their lives.The lighthouse crew is located in the sunny, beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida.Located on one of the many rivers and waterways, they are close to the city, beaches and conveniently close to public transport, the airport and Dembahnhof.

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2019-02-21 08:53:35

We are looking for my brother who is leaving rehab after 2 months. He needs a sober living home. Do you have anything available? He is 62. We are looking for 6 months initially. We would like something nice and would like him to have his own room.

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