The Lilly Pad

West Palm Beach, FL - 33401
Phone Number: (561) 758-1011


Lilly Pad offer a variety of life arrangements for recovering women from West Palm Beach Florida.Structure and safety are important elements when the foundation of long-term souse.Their on-site staff assist in all aspects of the recovery process, promoting the behavioural changes needed to facilitate a healthy and sober lifestyle.Their towns are conveniently located near the city of West Palm Beach, with easy access to many AA/NA club houses, job opportunities, and their beautiful beaches.Their residences are controlled by women live in resident managers who emphasize self-responsibility and zero tolerance to drugs and alcohol.Mandatory household and daily meetings are essential for further development of self-reliance and social interaction.The spacious residence features a fully equipped kitchen and a furnished bedroom.All houses include cable TV, Wi-Fi and laundry services.Monthly activities, daily morning meditations and weekly 12-step meetings in all locations.

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2020-04-08 10:52:17

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