Womens Transition Project

240 O'Hara Ave
Bisbee, AZ - 85603
Phone Number: (520) 432-8068

WTP provides substance abuse treatment, temporary housing, job training, and housing placement services to underserved, rural, low-income women and their children in Southeastern Arizona.

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Saturday, August 6, 2022


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2020-05-07 03:18:30

I really need help im tired of the life I'm living with my act of addiction I gave up on my self I haven't went to see my son and I want to do this so I can get my life back together and be able to be around my son if u guys can take me in I can be there Saturday for sure that's the only time I have a ride

2022-08-06 18:11:07

I want to change the road im heading down. I let my addiction lead me to probation,cps being involved and its only getting worse. Seabhs is taking to long to get services started and so is cps. I want to do this before I run out if time and am so far I completely lose what matters most to me,my children. Ive tried doing what I can but its not enough I need to dry up so I can rebalance my life and trying to sober up while im still using because it is everywhere is not helping. If I can get the help I need to detox, I know I will be able to change my path.

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